$4,026.00 $3,622.00 (10% off)
You awake one morning to the most exquisitely beautiful day you can imagine, and you choose to welcome the sunshine with a picnic in the park. You pull the bread and cheese from the picnic basket and then smile as you catch a glimpse of the wearable art creation dangling from your shoulders and making you feel utterly glamorous.
The vivid, creamy cashmere of the The Classique de luxe Shawl envelops you in softness, banishing any chill from the afternoon air. Bright bursts of masterfully embroidered color create a hedgerow of blossoms that equal any of nature’s offerings on this glorious day. A glass of wine in hand and warm from the sun shining on the 100% cashmere creation wrapped snugly around you—you can’t imagine a better way to spend a lazy afternoon surrounded by nature and beauty.
$8,532.00  $7,679.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world The ornate stained glass windows of Notre Dame and the other venerable cathedrals of Paris have drawn you since you first visited the city as a young girl. As the afternoon sun hit the variegated windows just so, your lifelong fascination was born. Since then,...
$10,625.00  $9,563.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world As you pull the colorfully woven cashmere around your shoulders, you’re transported by a sudden memory. Confetti streams through electric air, and pinwheels of light streak across the starlit sky. Music wafts on the ocean breeze as dancers weave gracefully through the joyous crowds. You...
$8,532.00  $7,679.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world The ornate stained glass windows of Notre Dame and the other venerable cathedrals of Paris have drawn you since you first visited the city as a young girl. As the afternoon sun hit the variegated windows just so, your lifelong fascination was born. Since then,...