CHF 6,168.00 CHF 5,552.00 (10% off)
You live for fine orient art. It's the substance that gives your life, meaning. You can literally feel all of the energy and emotion that was poured into every piece of hand-created magnificence you come across. It's almost like you're emphatic to the blood, sweat and tears that artists experience to realize their vision - in order share their genius with the world... with you.
Tonight is your local art walk. You're excited because the event provides you and your husband with some much desired time together. The two of you stroll from gallery to gallery, sipping on exquisite wines and viewing the very best creativity your community has to offer. You wear your Orient - from our exclusive Collector’s Edition. The moment the magical Pashmina Wool graces your skin, you can feel the Kashmiri artisan's story who hand-imagined this statement of luxury for you, and only you, to enjoy; to experience. No, you don't just view art... You don't just feel the art strike a deep chord within you... No. With Seasons, you become art.
CHF 10,728.00  CHF 9,655.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world You fancy yourself a history buff, and your fascination with tapestries and textiles has led you to explore some of the world’s most amazing castles, museums and palaces. You’ve seen some magnificent embroidery in your time, but when you lay eyes on The Kohinoor Shawl,...
CHF 8,046.00  CHF 7,241.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world You fancy yourself a history buff, and your fascination with tapestries and textiles has led you to explore some of the world’s most amazing castles, museums and palaces. You’ve seen some magnificent embroidery in your time, but when you lay eyes on The Jewels of...
CHF 7,510.00  CHF 6,759.00 10% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world When you spot the exquisite new Queen of Sheba Shawl, your mind immediately darts to your childhood. A time when you and your friends would craft elaborate reenactments of the Arabian Nights tales. Your life is a bit different now, but whether gracing the promenade...