¥375,700 ¥338,000 (0% off)
You awake one morning to the most exquisitely beautiful day you can imagine, and you choose to welcome the sunshine with a picnic in the park. You pull the bread and cheese from the picnic basket and then smile as you catch a glimpse of the wearable art creation dangling from your shoulders and making you feel utterly glamorous.
The vivid, creamy cashmere of the The Classique de luxe Shawl envelops you in softness, banishing any chill from the afternoon air. Bright bursts of masterfully embroidered color create a hedgerow of blossoms that equal any of nature’s offerings on this glorious day. A glass of wine in hand and warm from the sun shining on the 100% cashmere creation wrapped snugly around you—you can’t imagine a better way to spend a lazy afternoon surrounded by nature and beauty.
¥90,100  ¥81,000 0% off
Muir Woods - Fresh, crisp forest air, ancient trees and bubbling brooks are a refreshing change of scenery. Music, storytelling and bonfires set the stage to make new friends. And, as always, the candlelit paths beckon your soul to someplace magical; to the days of old, when it was thought...
¥226,200  ¥203,500 0% off
Organic Handloom Pashmina Shawl Your social schedule is constantly busy: classes to attend, trips to the mountains, concerts and soirees. Save yourself some time as you rush about by adding a classic cashmere shawl from The Kashmir Company to your wardrobe. Cashmere Pashmina wool from the mountains of northern India...
¥226,200  ¥203,500 0% off
Organic Handloom Pashmina Shawl Your social schedule is constantly busy: classes to attend, trips to the mountains, concerts and soirees. Save yourself some time as you rush about by adding a classic cashmere shawl from The Kashmir Company to your wardrobe. Cashmere Pashmina wool from the mountains of northern India...