¥56,300 ¥50,600 (0% off)
The romantic swells of accordion music drift through the evening air as you walk hand in hand with your love across the Pont Neuf. You feel radiant in the gift he has given you, the L'amour Shawl, feeling the delicate weight of the intricately embroidered softest cashmere across your shoulders. The Seine may sparkle with the lights of Paris, but you're sparkling with love for him–and for your gorgeous new softest cashmere shawl.
* Downy soft - can be used as a ladies shawl, ladies scarf or mens scarf
¥807,700  ¥726,900 0% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world The ornate stained glass windows of Notre Dame and the other venerable cathedrals of Paris have drawn you since you first visited the city as a young girl. As the afternoon sun hit the variegated windows just so, your lifelong fascination was born. Since then,...
¥1,005,800  ¥905,200 0% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world As you pull the colorfully woven cashmere around your shoulders, you’re transported by a sudden memory. Confetti streams through electric air, and pinwheels of light streak across the starlit sky. Music wafts on the ocean breeze as dancers weave gracefully through the joyous crowds. You...
¥807,700  ¥726,900 0% off
One-of-a-Kind Shawl in the world The ornate stained glass windows of Notre Dame and the other venerable cathedrals of Paris have drawn you since you first visited the city as a young girl. As the afternoon sun hit the variegated windows just so, your lifelong fascination was born. Since then,...