$4,444.00 $2,666.00 - Out of Stock (40% off)
You were unsure if you could arrive confident and charming at the fundraiser. But as you step into the venue, you realize that your efforts throughout the morning paid off. You transformed so easily, from feeling clumsy to elegant, ugly duckling to swan – as if by magic. Slimmed and at-peace from your morning Pilates workout, you knew your lengthened posture and elegant neck would pair beautifully with your pearl earrings. You framed your bare décolleté with The White Swan Shawl, rested over your shoulders, completing the transformation. The cream pashmina purifies and brightens your complexion, the sultry rainbow-hued silk-embroidery compliments the dash of sun kissed bronzer on your cheeks and indigo eye shadow dusted on your lids. As you step into the room, ready to inspire others to charitably give, your grace is center stage.
40% off
Out of Stock
Christmas morning is magical for people - young and old. It's one of those days that have such a distinct feeling to it. Talk about a nostalgia! Christmas takes you back to when you were just a little girl, excited beyond words to see what was waiting for you underneath...
40% off
Out of Stock
The Marin Headlands is a simply gorgeous destination that everyone from all four corners of The Bay Area visits for its beauty and refuge. The winter colors are a breath of fresh air during this sometimes drab-feeling season. Encased in the protective warmth of your Walk in the Headlands Shawl,...
$641.00  $577.00 10% off
The party is tonight and you plan to wear your Très Chic Regal Paisley Shawl. Sipping the finest French champagne, indulging in fromage Francais and petit fours, you can't help but feel transported to an elegant soiree in Paris. The host compliments you on your choice of dress, saying simply...